The Out of theDarkness Walk is a suicide awareness fundraiser sponsored by OCU StudentGovernment and USI. It will be on USI’s campus at Burdette Trail. You cancontact [email protected] for moreinformation.
Meet at -Bell Tower if taking OCU Transportation. Rain date for this event is April 30th. Limited number of spots on the van. Please RVSP to Amanda Dempsey at [email protected] by Thursday, April 21, 2022*Please note transportation will not be provided on the rain date*
Last year we raised $1500 and gave to two local familieswith children who had cancer. This year the softball team will be taking donations to give to aformer softball player who graduated from Oakland City University.Corbin McCrary is a Kindergarten teacher in Vincennes andhead softball coach at Vincennes Lincoln High School. Corbin has a rare […]