The Well

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Cafeteria for The Well, each Sunday from 8-9pm.

Open Gym

Tichenor Center

Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Bible Study

New Hall 3rd Floor Lobby

Open Gym

Tichenor Center

The Well

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Cafeteria for The Well, each Sunday from 8-9pm.

Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Bible Study

New Hall 3rd Floor Lobby

The Well

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Cafeteria for The Well, each Sunday from 8-9pm.