Office of Advancement
Office of Advancement Role
The Office of Advancement plans and implements fundraising opportunities to secure and prioritize resources to support Oakland City University in its mission to enhance the intellectual, spiritual, physical and social development for positive leadership.
The role of the Office of Advancement is to foster relationships that provide necessary resources to the institution and its students. Functions of the Office of Advancement include:
- Coordinate and plan fundraising activities with the Administration and the Board of Trustees to support the university;
- Collaborate with multiple offices, e.g. Financial Aid, to identify the financial needs of students. This effort is accomplished through providing and distributing general scholarships, Scholarship for Oaks, endowed scholarships, private gift grants, and other available funds;
- Engage philanthropic support to the university by working extensively with various constituents* including: students, alumni, individuals, corporations, foundations, and churches.
Office of Advancement Goals
The goals that the Office of Advancement have established include:
- Cultivate meaningful relationships with constituents who share our vision and values engaging them deeper in relationship to the cause;
- Secure resources to sustain the current level of operational needs and meet future levels of projected growth;
- Promote and encourage a culture of generosity among all constituents.
Bell Tower Plaza Brick Orders
Visit the Bell Tower Plaza page to find out more about the project and order your memorial bricks.
Tax Credit for Indiana Residents
The State of Indiana will give individuals, through a tax credit, 50¢ on each dollar given to Oakland City University, not to exceed $200. This means that a $400 gift to OCU yields a $200 tax credit; a $200 gift yields a $100 credit; a $100 gift yields a $50 credit, and so on. In other words, you will be reimbursed half your gift by the state of Indiana up to $200 if filing jointly and up to $100 if filing single. The tax credit is applied directly against the “bottom line” of your state tax return, either reducing the amount of taxes owed or providing a refund on taxes paid.
Additionally, the corporation’s credit is equal to 50 percent of the total amount given during the tax year. However, the credit may not exceed the lesser of: a) 10 percent of the corporation’s adjusted gross income tax liability, or b) $1,000.
To take advantage of this opportunity, you must use the Indiana Department of Revenue Schedule CC-40 when filing your state income tax return. After clicking on the link, you will need to go to the last section on the page under “Other Individual Forms/Schedules” and choose the first option: CC-40 Indiana College Credit. As we always advise, please consult a tax professional as to your personal circumstances.
1885 Legacy Society

Life income and other planned gifts can provide benefits to you or your loved ones, all the while benefiting current and future OCU students. Bequests, Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Trusts, Life Insurance, Real Estate, Retained Life Estates, and more planned giving options allow you to create a legacy and do more than you might imagine to advance OCU’s mission.
The Office of Advancement is available to help explore the best options for you. The Oakland City University 1885 Legacy Society recognizes those who have invested in the University’s future through a bequest in their will or other planned giving instruments. You are vital part of the OCU family and the ongoing health of our institution. We sincerely thank those who desire to leave an enduring legacy in OCU students. Your generous and strategic gift planning makes an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God. A Bequest of any amount qualifies you for 1885 Legacy Society membership. If you have made a provision for Oakland City University in your estate planning, or you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 812-749-1228 or [email protected].
President's Golf Classic
Dr. Ron D. Dempsey, President, cordially invites your organization, business, church, and/or foursome to join us on Monday, June 27, 2022, at the beautiful Oak Meadow Country Club, located on Evansville’s north side. It will be a great afternoon of food, fellowship, and golf. Oak Meadow features a championship 18 hole golf course and modern clubhouse. Oak Meadow Country Club is a traditionally designed par 72 golf course with tree-lined fairways, strategically placed bunkers and fast, undulating and tilted greens. The many lakes at Oak Meadow come into play on 10 of the 18 holes. From the championship tees, the golf course is 6,827 yards with 4 additional sets of tees for men, seniors, women and junior golfers that allow players of all skill levels to enjoy the wonderful game of golf.
Oakland City University, founded in 1885, has steadily served Gibson County, Southwest Indiana, and the tri-state region through its academic programs and economic stimulus. Our graduates are serving vital roles as business entrepreneurs, state and national leaders, superintendents, teachers, pastors and missionaries around the world. At the regional level (Gibson and surrounding counties), OCU generated $51.3 million to the area with an impact of $35.6 million on the local economy.
Please take time to review this information and join us for the day. Meet members of the Oakland City University Board of Trustees and Administration. Take this opportunity to become acquainted with faculty, staff members, and students. Come and join us at Oak Meadow Country Club for a great afternoon of food, fellowship, and great golf!
The Oakland City University “President’s Golf Classic” has quickly become one of the most successful events in the tri-state, generating almost $300,000 in Scholarships for students. These funds have benefited numerous Oakland City University students in the area of education, business, criminal justice, Christian studies, and much more. Without the “President’s Golf Classic”, funding for these scholarships would not have been possible.
President’s Golf Classic Agenda Best Ball Scramble
Best Ball Scramble – Each team consists of four players. On every hole, each team member drives and the best drive is selected. Each team member then plays a second shot from the spot where the selected drive lays, and the best second shot is selected. This process is repeated until the hole is completed.
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond Sponsor – $10,000
This level includes individuals and businesses who contribute $10,000 or more to the “President’s Golf Classic.” Sponsorship includes 4 golfers, prominent signage at the Clubhouse and on course program listing, 4 hole sponsorships, 4 cart sponsorships, 1 business table sponsorship, recognition during awards, 4 sponsor gifts, 4 lunches, and 4 dinners.
Platinum Sponsor – $5,000
This level includes individuals and businesses who contribute $5,000 -$9,999 to the “President’s Golf Classic.” Sponsorship includes 4 golfers, prominent signage at the Clubhouse and on course program listing, 2 hole sponsorships, 2 cart sponsorships, recognition during awards, 4 sponsor gifts, 4 lunches, and 4 dinners.
Gold Sponsor – $2,500
This level includes individuals and businesses who contribute $2,500-$4,999 to the “President’s Golf Classic.” Sponsorship includes 4 golfers, prominent signage at the Clubhouse and on course program listing, 1 hole sponsorships, 1 cart sponsorships, recognition during awards, 4 sponsor gifts, 4 lunches, and 4 dinners.
Team Sponsor – $1,000
Sponsorship includes 4 golfers, 4 sponsor gifts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners, and recognition during awards.
Business Table Sponsor – $500
Directly promote your business! Setup a table at your desired hole location and give you’re your company’s materials and promotional items!
Hole Sponsor – $100
Market your business! Per hole signage. Limited availability.
Cart Sponsor – $50
Market your business! Logo/name on a cart all day. Limited availability.
stew.ard.ship noun: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care
It is our privilege to introduce one of Oakland City University’s value proposition: stewardship. Our goal is to be a resource and provide insights in the area of university philanthropy including planned giving. We hope these resources may lend ideas which work for your particular charitable giving desires. Ultimately, we pray that you give great consideration to including Oakland City University students as a beneficiary in your final plans.
The Rev. Billy Graham once stated: “The greatest legacy that you can pass on to your children and grandchildren is not money or material things accumulated in life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”
Oakland City University’s administration, faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends have worked tirelessly on developing the strategic plan: Shaping Our Future. Through the leadership of Drs. Dempsey and Dunivan, several key areas are being addressed including a major focus on stewardship. As alumni and friends of OCU, it is our duty and privilege to provide stewardship to the next generation of Mighty Oaks.
Since 1885, individuals have believed in the importance of higher learning in Oakland City, Indiana. Stewardship is not a new idea at this institution. People like William Cockrum not only had a vision for a “college on the hill” but gave of their talents and treasure to see it come to fruition. Now, the beacon of stewardship carries forward to all of us who love and cherish Oakland City University.
Areas of Support at Oakland City University
As an effort to assist donors with fund recognition and descriptions, please see the listing below. We recommend contacting the Office of Advancement at [email protected] or 812-749-1228, if you have specific questions.

Alumni Association
Alumni support can be allocated toward either paying alumni dues to the Alumni Association or the Alumni Endowment Scholarship.

Please select the appropriate sub fund to code your gift to the sport or general athletics.

Chapman Seminary
These gifts are directed toward the operation of Chapman Seminary.

Capital Campaign
This fund will be directed to current university capital campaign of choice by the donor. Please select the appropriate sub fund.

Endowment Scholarship
Donors need to select the named sub fund to code to the appropriate endowment scholarship. These funds are held in perpetuity using the interest to support students as directed in the scholarship guidelines and Board policies.

Finish Strong
Centered around the end of our fiscal year (5/31), this fund is general gifts to the operation of the university helping to meet institutional budgetary goals.

In Honor/Memorial Gift
Please select this area when making a memorial or honorary gift.

India General Baptist Graduate Scholarship
Established to assist GB students coming from India to study the ministry.

Oak Fund – Where Needed Most
This fund goes directly to support the general operations of Oakland City University and its students.

Please inform the Advancement office regarding your gift designation.

President’s Golf Classic
Gifts to the PGC goes directly to support scholarships for OCU students.

The General Scholarship Fund of Oakland City University

Scholarships for Oaks
This fund was created by Dr. Dempsey to give direct, annual $1,000 scholarships to students. The scholarships can be named in honor or memory of loved ones.

School of Arts & Sciences
This fund goes to support the operations of the specific school.

School of Business
This fund goes to support the operations of the specific school.

School of Education
This fund goes to support the operations of the specific school.

Service Learning / Missions Trips
Monies given in the area go directly to support helping students experience service learning opportunities and missions trips.