Proffessor Ashley Elliott was asked to write an article for the National Association for Addictions Professionals. The article is called Switch Theory: How Counselors Can Help Parents of Children with SUDs.

“I am honored that I was invited to write an article for the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC). I pray that it will empower addiction professionals to define mental processes that have not previously been identified; may it strengthen families and help individuals improve their communication strategies.” Elliott stated.

Ashley Elliott, MS, LMHCA developed Switch Theory to explain the movement back and forth between a positive mental space with positive thoughts and hopeful expectations and a negative space with negative thoughts and dismal expectations. Switch Theory has gained national attention in recent months. Ashley and her husband Chuck Elliott MOL, MAE (Adjunct Instructor at OCU) have been invited to speak at conferences, churches, and businesses to help individuals improve communication in personal and professional relationships.

An excerpt from the article
“Regardless of the parenting style used, there are thoughts and needs behind each parent’s behavior; all parents switch from a positive to a negative space at different times for various reasons. Parents often engage in a battle between their own personal needs and the needs of their child. It seems that parents who remain in a positive space are likely to meet their own needs outside of the parent-child relationship, enabling them to focus on the needs of the child rather than themselves.”
Find the article location below.
Article begins on p. 23